UP TO DATE Soya3d-win32 install, with all dependencies plus TkSnack
Thierry Brault
2012-06-10 19:56:42 UTC
Install without taking the head with dependency like python, blender, ....


UP TO DATE! Added shader.
To up to date juste selecte soya3d, demosoya and demosnack.(reloade same
In demosnack: oggplay.py and sphere.py the sound seems weird
SoyaSpaceWork @t: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/55785694/soyaspacework-setup.exe


Bravo for all the work you all did, since these years!

soyaspacework-setup.exe creates an folder "soyaspacework" with demo for
soya3d and tksnack
install python, soya3d and all that go with it and all do work them, lets
choice, adds a path user.
Do something that go nice with notepad++ @t: http://notepad-plus-plus.org/
It work with xp, seven32, seven64, wine but vista i dont know....

You have a scrip "SoyaSpaceWork.iss".
Builder Inno Setup @t: http://www.jrsoftware.org/isinfo.php
and by hacking script can rebuild one yourself

Tksnack for audio since it is very interesting, you can do a lot with and
work on all python versions.

You will find BalazarIII and ArkanaeIII to (hacked for win). ALERT!! if you
cant run them
take care that you dont have any:.arkanae3 or .balazar3 in
if they exist erase them!

Need some demos which integrate tksnack in soya3d!

